Sunday, August 16, 2009


“Adversity is like a strong wind. It tears away from us all the things that cannot be torn, so that we see ourselves as we really are”.

It is a known fact that not all moments of life are filled with joy and happiness. Not all times are filled with eternal bliss. There are times which are tough, times that test our will power. Adversity strikes anybody, anytime. Does adversity mean that unfortunate times have befallen us? Does a stroke of adversity determine the course of our life?

Adversity, though it means, bad times, can actually be a blessing in disguise. A lot in life depends on what perspective we look at. It is not always easy look at things positively but when looked at tough situations with a positive mind, can actually make things a lot easier to tolerate.

There are a number of people who fought tough times with might and courage. They take adversity as a scale to measure their capabilities. ‘Life is never easy because it was never meant to be easy. I never had money to buy my clothes also when I was fifteen years old. That adversity drove me to the heights of opening a clothing mall. This might not mean much to others but for me, it is my highest achievement,’ says Mr. Raja, owner of Shopping mall in Coimbatore.

We have no right to ask when sorrow comes, "Why did this happen to me?" unless we ask the same question for every moment of happiness that comes our way. Life is a combination of sorrow and happiness which is an age old statement. Though we are aware of the fact what life is all about we tend to give in to pressures that surmount us.

We lose hope and become victims of depression which can be very devastating to our lives.
If there is something in life that you do not like it, change it and if that is not possible change the way you think about it. ‘It has never been easy to be a girl in Indian homes. A girl child is looked down upon even in some of the Indian homes today. I faced a lot of difficulties to pursue my education. There were times when I envied other girls who could study without any obstacles. At one point, I decided to change the course of my life instead of letting things happen. I fought for my rights to the extent of leaving home. Today, I am happy that it had brought fruitful results. Adverse situations actually bring out the best in us,’ says Lakshmi, a 26 year old teacher.

Our real strength comes not from what we get but it comes from what we do to get what we want. How far can we stretch ourselves to the crop the tentacles of adversity?
“A bend in the road is not the end of the road unless you fail to make a turn”. To be able to analyze temporary adverse situations and accept them as a part of life will bring out the joy and serenity in life.

“Being a playful boy during my college, I enjoyed my freedom to the extent of smoking and drinking. I was never a teacher’s pet either. So, my failure was already predicted. Towards the end I had a number of arrears on my shoulders. I had given up the hope of ever clearing my exams as it seemed an impossible task. After a number of depressed nights and self lectures, I prepared myself for the battle. The day of results was the sweetest thing that happened to me. It all depends on self motivation and perseverance,’ says Aditya, 3rd year graduate.

Convert adversities into opportunities, for adversities are divine surgeries to make you better. Hence, it can be rightly said that darkness always leads to light. It is reaching the light that is the most important journey of life.

1 comment:

  1. hey hi...... im just a passerby. found ur posts very interesting and inspiring.. :) it resembles a lot to my life and circumstances i had to face indirectly.. felt gud going thru ur blog..
